Public Talks & Publications


  • From Industry 4.0 to a Digital Value Chain. CTO/CDO Panel, INDUSTRY.forward Expo 2021, Online.
  • AI zwischen Technologie und Business. Was sind die Kosten eines Data Driven Unternehmens?. ScaleUp 360 AI in Business Summit, Online.
  • The rise of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities for Industry. 3rd Stakeholder Forum on Digitising European Industry, Madrid.
  • IIOT As A Key Enabler For New Business Models And Revenue Streams. IoT Solutions World Congress, Barcelona.
  • B2B-Platforms being the digital ecosystems in Industry 4.0. Digital Summit of the Federal Government, Dortmund.


  • Using data to optimize processes and quality in a intelligent way. Industry Of Things World 2021, Berlin.
  • Smart use of data to build new business models. But, do I need an AI strategy to achive this?. ScaleUp 360 AI in Business Summit, Online.
  • Digitalization @ Linde plc – Using xR and data analysis to enable new business models. Keynote, Smart Process Manufacturing Conference, Wuerzburg.


  • Digitalization, injection molding and bike helmets. SKZ Podcast Vol. 21 (last call on Spotify: 12.06.2024)
  • Digitalization – Superpower for Enterprises? Moderation World Café, Disruptive Technologies & Innovative Forsight Minds (DTIM), Berlin.


  • Bartsch, C.: KraussMaffei - Data collection along the plastic material cycle. Guest article in: ESG reporting requirement: annoying regulation or a breeding ground for innovation?, Platform Industry 4.0 funded by BMWK/BMWI, 2022.
  • Bartsch, C.: KraussMaffei - Digital trading platform for sustainable plastics. Guest article in: Discussion paper on digital business models - Digital business models as drivers for sustainability, p.6, Platform Industry 4.0 funded by BMWK/BMWI, 2022.
  • Bartsch, C.; Wagner, G.: The power of the brand is waning - in the future, mobile apps will be the deciding factor. In: Special supplement Automobilwoche February 2016 - Automotive digital: Winning the race, 2016.Bartsch, C.; Kettner, N.: IT as a driver in the networked value chain. In: Jahrbuch Innovation, pp.48-49, FAZ Institut, 2013.
  • Bartsch, C.; Kettner, N.; Klein, O.; Ammann, K.: Next Generation CIO: Four Radical Shifts Transforming the CIO's Role. CIO Study. Lodestone Management Consultants AG, 2011.
  • Bartsch, C.; Mevius, M.; Oberweis, A.: Simulation environment for IT service support processes - Supporting service providers in estimating service levels for incident management. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW'10), IEEE Computer Society, pp.23-31, 2010.
  • Bartsch, C.; Mevius, M.; Doleski, T.; Steuerwald, R.: Intelligent management of outsourced IT processes. In: Industrialization in Outsourcing, pp.281-293, BITKOM, 2009.
  • Bartsch, C.; Mevius, M.; Oberweis, A.: Simulation of IT Service Processes with Petri-Nets. In: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2008 Workshops, LNCS 5472, pp.53-65, 2009.
  • Bartsch, C.; Mevius, M.: Development of a quality requirements model for IT service processes. In: Evaluation aspects of service-oriented architectures (BSOA 2008, 3rd workshop), Magdeburger Schriften zum Empirischen Software Engineering, pp.13-24, 2008.
  • Bartsch, C.; Shwartz, L.; Ward, C.; Grabarnik, G., Buco, MJ: Alternative service identification and decomposition of services using ontologies. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2008, pp.383-388, 2008.
  • Bartsch, C.; Shwartz, L.; Ward, C.; Grabarnik, G., Buco, MJ: Decomposition of IT service processes and alternative service identification using ontologies. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2008), pp.714-717, 2008.
  • Schmidt, R.; Bartsch, C.: Ontology-based Modelling of Service Processes and Services. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing 2007, pp.67-74, 2007.
  • Schmidt, R.; Bartsch, C.; Oberhauser, R.: Ontology-based representation of compliance requirements for service processes. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management (SBPM 2007), held in conjunction with the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007), Vol.251 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 28-39, 2007.

  • PATENT: Bartsch, C.; Shwartz, L.; Ward, C. Apparatus and Methods for Decomposing Service Processes and for Identifying Alternate Service Elements in Service Provider Environments. US Patent Application 20090248461, published on 01.09.2009.
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